Friday, 8 July 2016


The Turn Around
“good-day DAD” i greeted
fearfully as he approached
me, but he simply gave
me a terrible look, spat
and shook his head,
“you are no daughter of
mine, you are a big
disgrace to my family, just
look at yourself and what
you have done to your
future” he muttered with
an angry tone, walked
into mum’s shop cursing
angrily. I was extremely
disheartened and
“dear lord open up the
earth and swallow me,
please” i knelt and cried.
People passed by and
watched me silently, some
laughed, some murmured
inaudible words, some
scoffed, some sighed in
pity, some shrugged and
cursed my parents, but
none came forward to
help me. Not even my
younger sisters.
By 4pm that fateful day, i
returned to my land-lady’s
shop at Somanya with a broken spirit
and a weak body. There
were tears in her eyes as
she saw me walk in. She
quickly offered me a chair
before giving me a plate
of rice.
‘Oh i really would have
died that fateful day if not
for her’. I can never forget
all she did for me.
Our land-lady fondly called
Mama G. by everyone
who knew her was a very
kind hearted old woman,
who managed to raise her
three children all alone
with the little profit she
made from the small
street corner “food-Joint”
she owned. Her husband
{our landlord} was just a
well known drunkard and
gambler who spent all the
money he made from his
old house, drinking and
gambling. He really
made‘pool promoters and
agents’very wealthy with
his stupidity. Mama G. was thus forced to fight
for her children alone,
perhaps that was the main
reason she felt and
understood my plight.
“don’t worry my dear, i’ll
talk to Cypher when he
returns this evening, i
really don’t understand
men nor boys of
nowadays” she assured
me as i ate with a broken
“what will i do if Cypher
refuses to listen to her” i
wondered fearfully,
“perhaps mama G. will
allow me work for her” i
reasoned with a dry smile,
“but where will i be
sleeping” i asked myself
I really was very worried
as we waited for Cypher
to show up that fateful
day. But to my extreme
surprise, he came home by
9:30pm, dragging a young
strange woman who
looked like a whore with
I was broken hearted,
dejected and in tears.
Mama G. simply
shrugged and held me.
“that’s some of the things
we poor women face in
life, don’t let it bother
you” she calmly advised.
But something deep down
told me i had lost Cypher forever.
The little hopes i had were
dashed that moment.
Story continues...

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