Sunday 17 July 2016



(More Change of Plans)

"Now boarding LA to Honolulu"

It's been a stressful 24 hours. For starters, Trevor's confirmation somehow got messed up and he couldn't fly with us. We had to get him and his mom on the next flight, which was 4 hours after our flight. Some of the sound equipment didn't pass the last sound check, so we needed to find replacements for tomorrow's show once we landed.

While packing, some of the stage list got lost, so I had to stop everything I was doing to unpack my laptop to get another copy printed. There was an issue dropping Wishbone off at his dog kennel, and we almost had to find another one. But, we made it to the airport on time, with everything we needed, and security went smooth so we were able to grab something quick to eat waiting for the flight.

"These rooms are amazing!" Connor said as he opened the door to his and Ricky's room. "There's a pull-out couch in your room, incase Trevor wants to stay with you guys." I said, as I walked to mine and Kian's room across the hall, next to Jc and Sam's room. "Try and keep it down love birds" Sam said unlocking their room. "We'll try" Kian said, winking at me. "Gross" Ricky said, shutting their door.

It was late by the time Trevor and his mom got to the hotel. We stayed in for the night. We'd have a couple days to explore after the show, so I wanted to make sure everyone was good to go for tomorrow.

"We need to be on stage for sound check by 10" I said, biting into a piece of pizza. "Are we doing the meet and greet before or after the show?" Trevor asked. "Before. But you guys have a little radio interview to do first. I think at around noon."

I pulled out my phone, looking for the schedule. "Yup, noon. You guys can eat after. There won't be time before." "How long is the meet and greet?" Jc asked. "Ideally, we're hoping no more than two hours, but we planned for three, just in case" I answered. "Trial and error show." Andrew said, "I know it won't be the same for the other shows, but this meet and greet is different than any other that you've done before."

We had gone through what everyone would need to know for tomorrow. I decided now was the best time to tell the guys the decision I had made with Andrew earlier in the week. "Hey guys, before we go to our rooms for the night, there's something I want to tell you." "How bad is it?" Ricky asked, leaning his head to the side. "Why does it have to be bad?" I asked. "Because we know it is." Why does Jc have to be right?

"Andrew and I got to talking during the week, and I've decided not to go on tour with you guys." They all started talking at once. "Calm down! Please let me explain." I said, holding my hands up. They stopped talking one by one.

"If Andrew and I are both out of the office, things are going to fall apart. I feel more comfortable if Andrew is the one that travels with you. Not to mention, I'm not technically your manager for this tour, he is."

I was afraid to look at Kian, but I could see from the corner of my eye he was staring at me. His eyes were wide, but his expression screamed sad. "This was something we wanted to experience with you. You are a part of this with us." Sam said, almost whispering.

"I know" I said, placing my hand on his leg. "But this was a decision I had to make for management. Trust me, it wasn't an easy one. My life revolves around you guys. And now, it's like I'm losing all that."

I was fighting tears. Reality that the 5 people I was closest to and the man I was in love with were going to be gone for a month finally hit me. I was going to miss out on a huge part of their life, a part I wanted desperately to be a part of.

Kian suddenly stood up, and walked out of the room. Before I could move, Jc stopped me. "Let him go. He took his phone, he'll be okay." I faked a smile. I don't know what hurt worse. Being away from the 6 of them, or ruining tour for Kian.

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