Thursday, 28 July 2016


Episode 10

Early Sunday morning,Ryan called Adriana to see how she was doing. Hello angel,how are you doing this morning?
Adriana replied and said,am doing well baby. How are you too? Hope you are coming to church today? I can't wait to see you singing today. And there is something I have to tell you today.
Really,what is it? Okay we will talk after church.

Service started normally and R2 were leading worship. People feel so good when these two boys are singing in the church.

Before the sermon came,they invited Ryan alone to give a solo. As he was singing,Adriana was sitting down crying because, she didn't know what to do with Ryan. Ryan was her hero and everything. The preacher started preaching rite after the song. That day,the preacher preached about love as if he knew Ryan and Adriana were in love. That was best time for them to listen to that preaching.

After the service, Adriana went to see Roland because Ryan was busy sorting things with some church elders. Mercy was surprise to see Roland and Adriana talking. Who's Mercy? She was one of the church ushers who likes to gossip much in the church.

Finally Ryan finished his meeting with the elders and came to where Roland and Adriana were.
He asked them to go outside and talk. When they got outside, Adriana told the boys they should go and have some lunch somewhere. Ryan asked her if that was the surprise. But she said no I will tell you when we go.

The three of them went to a restaurant to eat banku and tilapia. Roland the jovial boy asked a funny question.
Rol: so Adriana you are going to be in this coldness alone and live my brother here too?
Ad:yes what can we do about it?
They all laughed to that.

When they finished and were about to go home,Adriana then gave the surprise to Ryan. It was a family treasure which was giving to Mrs Will by her mother to give to the man who she finds as her love. So she collected it from her husband and gave it to her daughter for her to also give to the man she finds as her love. So she presented it to him.
Ad: Ryan,this is a gift from my great grandmother to my grandmother and from my grandmother to my mother and from my mother to my father. And from my father to me. And from me to you.

Please take it to wherever you go.  keep it like your precious thing for me. Never let it be away from you. Saying all this,she was on her knees that drew everybody's attention to them. But she didn't mind it. She was focused on what she was doing. Ryan accepted it and hanged it on his neck and thanked her for it.

She then told them they will be taking her to airport the next day.
Roland quickly said we are at your service madam. You can call us anywhere and at anytime. Whenever Roland spoke, Adriana laughed so much because he was so funny.

As soon as they left the church premises, not knowing Mercy sneaked and followed them to the place they went to eat. She was gathering information to tell people.
When they were about to go, she came to were they were sitting to greet them. Roland wasn't happy to see her there because she knew her very well. Mercy we are already living so we will meet again some other time said Roland. So they left to their car and went drop Adriana home. In the car going Roland told them how that girl was so Ryan shouldn't entertain her that much.

If it wasn't Roland,Ryan would have stayed there for her to have chat with them. And as she talks with you,she will go and then frame stories which is not true about you.

To be continued

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