Wednesday 6 July 2016


Chapter 17

On vacation, you can wear all the
colorful and casual clothing that
you like, but you must always be
-Christian Dior
Francesca Marcolini’s POV
The last thing I expected when I
woke up earlier this morning was
to find myself abducted then carted
to unknown destination. And the
unknown destination turns out to
be in the island of Sardinia.
I know that Marco Orsini is a crazy
man but not this crazy. These past
few weeks proved that I didn’t
know him that well. His antics leave
an average man astonished.
“Yours?” I asked as soon as the car
fetched us in the airport pulled in at
the magnificent seaside mansion.
He smiled devilishly in my direction.
He was sitting far too closed for my
comfort inside the car’s backseat.
“As much as I want to take the
credit, my darling, I can’t. This
beautiful mansion belongs to my
good friend, the Greek billionaire,
Nikos Pallis.”
I have heard of that man. He’s well
known ruthless shipping magnet in
New York and gloried as perfect
lover by women like this man
beside me. I guess I am not
surprise that they were good
“Stop judging us.” Marco growled
beside me.
“I am not judging you.” I turned to
meet his scowling face. I should be
mad at him for abducting me yet I
felt no anger toward him.
“Yes, you are.” He contracted,
opening his door. “You were
probably thinking that we share
love for women.”
“I didn’t say that.” I hide my smile
as I also slid out of the car.
“But you were still thinking about
I shrugged and didn’t answer him.
I am quite busy admiring the
architectural design of the mansion
where we probably staying today.
“Beautiful home.”
“Come,” Marco invited, extending
his hand to my direction. “Let me
tour you inside the house.”
I didn’t hesitate to take the offered
hand and walked hand in hand to
him through the foyer. If the
outside of the house was
magnificence enough once you
were inside the house the interior
will left you breathless.
“Nikos Pallis spared nothing in
building this house.” I commented
glancing at the priceless art works
that hang in the wall.
“He likes to show off his family’s
wealth by building houses like this
around the world.”
I nodded smiling at the thought. “I
gather that much.”
“Enough of that b-----d, he had a
grand time of interrogating before
he lend his place to me.” Marco
said, looking at his signature
wristwatch. “Come, we’re past time
for having lunch. Let’s invade the
“Now?” I inquired hesitantly. “Can’t
we just have lunch here?”
“Not a bad idea, darling.” He
suddenly smiled wolfishly. “Then,
will have the dessert upstairs.”
Not a good idea for me. The
charming man awhile ago was
instantly replaced by this devil. “You
know what I think it’s better for us
to hit the town for lunch.”
“That’s what I thought.” He grinned
at me, placing a light kiss in my lips
he runs to the stairs. “Fifteen
minutes, I’ll just take a shower.” He
threw a backward glance. “Do you
want to join?”
“No. Thanks.”
Marco threw a heart melting
smirked before vanishing in the
second floor.

Half an hour later we were seated
at the best table inside the posh
restaurant in Sardinia. We also gave
the waiter our order and bought
an expensive bottle of Orsini wine.
Marco said ironically that he need
to pay much for an Orsini wine
when he could have just got at the
cellar in the vineyard…
“What’s the frown about?”
I glanced at Marco who was
looking at me intently. “Oh, nothing.
I just feel like…”
I was interrupted by the booming
voice of a man who approached
our table. He has a blond woman in
his arms I think she’s probably half
of his age. She wore a show
stopping dress that could be
considered as immoral in certain
part of the world.
“Hi, Marco.” The blond woman
purred sexily.
What the…I slowly look at him. He’s
also obviously stun by the
unexpected encounter. From the
looked in his face he knew this
woman…intimately? Was she a
previous mistress of him? An
unexpected jealously filled my heart
—wait, why would I be jealous? As
far as I am concern I don’t care
about them.
“Voronov.” Marco acknowledged
the Russian man and reluctantly did
the same with the woman.
I knew it, she’s a previous mistress.
“Aren’t you introduced us with the
new woman with you?” Anastasia
purred again, eyeing Marco with
such seduction in her eyes. Is that
the subtle way of saying that I
might be the new flavor of the
month? I glared at Marco Orsini.
“Mikhail. Anastasia.” He cleared his
throat, ignoring my glare. “This is
Francesca Marcolini. My fiancée.”
The three of us stared at him in
stunned silence. What did he say
fiancée? Who is his fiancée again?
The blond woman threw an acid
glare in my direction which I just
pay no heed.
“Bravo!” The Russian businessman
laughed. “I am so happy for you,
Orsini. And what a lovely lady you
“Thanks.” Marco said smiling
affectionately in my direction. He’s
one hell of a good actor. But he will
not get away with this latest stunt
of his.
“You know what?” The Russian
said, “Why don’t you and your
betrothed come to my party tonight
in my yacht I am sure you will enjoy
“Why not.” Marco replied, before I
could protests.
“We will leave you in peace now,
Orsini. Enjoy your lunch.” The man
said with a smile before taking
their table inside the restaurant.
“What the hell did you just do?” I
asked him crossly as soon as we
were left alone at our table.
“Here comes our food.” He said,
completely ignoring my question.
“I am not coming with you!” I
informed him as soon as we
arrived at the seaside mansion of
the Greek billionaire, Nikos Pallis.
“Oh, you will.” Marco answered
dryly. “I’ve already promised Mikhail
Voronov we will come to his dinner
party tonight.”
“Your problem not mine.” I said
hotly. “Besides, I don’t want to get
tangle with your nasty situation.”
“My nasty situation?” He repeated
with a frowned on his handsome
face. “What is that?”
I glared at him vehemently. “I knew
that you and that anorexic woman
in that Russian man had a past.
She’s one of your long lists of
previous mistresses, Signore.”....

Marco snorted and shook his head
in resignation. “That’s long time
ago. Moreover, she’s just thin
because she’s a model, darling.”
Having suspected that they had
relationships before was one thing
but it was entirely different matter
when he admitted it openly for
some reason his affirmation shot
dagger straight to my heart. It’s so
painful that I think I want to do
something violent.
“I don’t want to be the hindrance
when you rekindle your
relationship with that anorexic
He rubbed his forehead in
annoyance. “I don’t want to
rekindle any relationship with her.”
He said in irritation but then he
smiled dashingly. “Why, my
Francesca? You sound jealous.”
“I don’t care if you jump in bed
with her!”
“You sound like a jealous wife,
darling.” He accused with a
maddening smirked on his sinfully
handsome face. “For a prim and
proper woman like you, you’re
heartbreakingly beautiful when you
get jealous over that gold-digger.”
“You wish!” I started to climb at the
stairs when he stopped my tracks.
“Wait,” He said, looking straight
into my eyes. “I don’t have the habit
of picking up what I discarded
before. Also, she has a new rich
man to shower her with clothes
and jewelries.”
That’s not what I saw in her eyes
awhile ago, I thought silently. She
still wants you.
“I don’t care.” I said inertly.
“You will come with me.” He
announced with every inch of
arrogance I hated. He fished out a
black card from his wallet and gave
it to me. “As much as I like to come
with you and buy you a dress for
tonight I need to take some call
there is an emergency that at the
Orsini Industries. Take the driver
with you. I don’t want you to
wander in town alone.”
It was on the tip of my tongue to
refuse the credit card but I
remembered that I don’t have
anything from me beside what I
wore now. I don’t have any cash in
my pocket. As much as I want to
shove that credit card to his throat
I can’t. I don’t want to come to the
party with this day dress I wore
since this morning.
So I snatched the black card in his
hand and stride out of the house.
The ever efficient chauffer was
waiting at the car.
“We’re going to town.” I told the
driver as I slid at the cool interior of
the car. I will teach Marco Orsini a
lesson that he can’t just rile me
whenever he wants. No one irritate
Francesca Marcolini and get away
from it.
Once the car pulled at the sidewalk
I stared at the long lane of designer
shops. I scanned for my favorite
fashion house and walk inside.
“What can I do for you, ma’am?”
The efficient saleslady smiled at my
direction as she approached.
“I need a dress.” I answered, trying
to calm my anger. My eyes already
scanned the racks of beautiful
gowns. “I need a dress that will
make a man drool over me at
twenty feet.”
The capable saleslady smiled
knowingly. “I think we have what
you need, ma’am.”.....

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