Monday, 11 July 2016


Day Three

I really hate seeing 7 am on the clock. Good news was, this was the last time I would have to see it for a long time! I did my usual routine, without even checking my phone.

Not a good idea. An hour later, when I was ready to go, I had so many notifications, it was literally draining my battery! I decided to sit for a minute to check everything.

I had countless notifications from Twitter and Instagram saying complete strangers were following me. All kinds of comments on the picture I posted the night before. I honestly didn't even read through them. I went and checked my texts, and the guys had blown up the group chat last night and this morning.

They were going on and on about how I was becoming famous and how the fandom loved me. I found it extremely odd, since all I did was make sure they were on time, and weren't trampled getting there.

All I sent back in the chat was that I was ready to go whenever they were. And almost instantly, there was a knock on my door. When I opened it, all 6 of them stood there with huge smiles on their faces.

How can they be so awake, and so happy? I know they hardly got any sleep. The whole time we were going downstairs, they talked about everything being said on Twitter and Instagram. They even made some comments about how happy they were that I was around and how they liked spending time with me.

I was caught completely off guard. I didn't really say much.

We grabbed something to eat in the green room, mingled with everyone else. I had a meeting to go to, to discuss tomorrow, since everyone would be leaving. And since I switched my "position", it was now my job to handle all of that.

Which was something I was not looking forward to. I honestly just wanted to pack up and go. But it wasn't going to be that easy.

My meeting lasted almost 4 hours, which I am not happy about. But everything got figured out. I checked my phone as I walked out, ignoring all the social media notifications, and saw that Ricky had texted me letting me know that they were already back stage for the panel, that they would meet up with me after.

I felt horrible that my meeting ran over. But I'm happy everything went smoothly without me!

I caught the ending of their panel, which they did with Tyler. Fans asked some pretty weird questions. But I got to know them a little better. I met back up with them backstage, and talked for a little before I made sure Tyler had food and was safe and sound at his meet and greet.

The guys didn't have anything to do, but they had made plans with other YouTubers. They asked if I wanted to tag along, but I just wanted some time to breathe.

I got everything settled for Troye, since he was flying back home. I said goodbye as we finished loading his suitcases into the car. I decided a nap sounded amazing, but so did FaceTiming my boyfriend.

I felt like I had slept forever, and I basically had! Tyler's 5 hour meet and greet was already over, and it was nearly dark outside. I decided to crawl back out of bed, and start packing my things. The first chance I got tomorrow, I was leaving. I didn't want to waste time packing.

My phone rang, interrupting my music catching my attention. It was Jc, wanting to know if I had any plans for the night. When I replied with no, he instantly started begging me to come the to the party the event was throwing for the creators, something I helped organize. At first I was going to say no, but decided to go, saying that I just wouldn't stay long.

Not staying long turned into the entire night. It was almost 3 in the morning before I finally crawled into bed. I had an amazing time though! We all danced and had a good time. I got to meet some more YouTubers, each one nicer than the last. They were all extremely welcoming.

I'm happy I decided not to stay in my hotel room all alone all night long....

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