The Bake Off
I can never just walk into their house. I'm either screamed at, tackled, or have something thrown at me. This time was no different. The second I stepped foot inside I heard "Boss Lady. My room. NOW!" I looked over at Connor and made my way upstairs to Kian's room.
I was greeted by his giant smile and his outreached hand holding a mountain dew. "If you keep doing this, I'm just going to have to marry you" I jokingly said making my way over to his desk chair, sitting down. He let out a nervous laugh and sat across from me on his bed.
"So" I said looking at him. "What?"
"I don't know, you tell me. You're the one that called me asking what I was doing with the rest of my day". He looked at me for a minute, swallowing pretty hard before saying "I wanted to spend some time with you, and I didn't want to ruin any plans you had."
I tilted my head a little bit to the side saying "aw, Kian. Don't feel like you have to ask to spend time with me only when I feel like it. I like spending time with you." That got a big smile out of him. "Well then, what do you want to do?"
I gave my answer a little thought, because I really had no idea what I wanted to do. I had made a mental note earlier this morning that I wanted to bake some cookies, more for the guys then me. So I offered that up, not really sure what Kian would say.
"Yeah, that sounds fun." As he stood up reaching for my hand, he added "and if your cookies taste anything like your mom's, I'm in for a real treat!"
We ran to the store, since they had nothing to bake cookies with. We decided to turn it into a competition, to see who could make better cookies. We got everything we would need to make chocolate chip cookies, because I knew anything more difficult than that and Kian had no chance at winning.
When we got back to the house, Kian set up his tripod so we could get everything on camera. If it turned out good enough, he was going to use it for his video for Saturday. So we started the video off as he normally would, in-case he did use the footage.
Within minutes the kitchen was destroyed, and we were both covered in food. We thought it was a good idea to throw things at each other as a distraction. Which worked in my favor, since we had somehow managed to get egg in Kian's eye. I felt bad at first, until while I was wiping his face off, he dumped flour over my head. Ricky was about to walk in the kitchen, saw what we were doing yelled "NOPE" and turned right back around.
By the time we were done, we had more ingredients on the floor and us than on the pans. We each managed to make about 5 cookies. We cleaned ourselves and the kitchen up a little bit while we waited for them to bake.
Kian took a bite out of one of his cookies once they cooled down a little bit. He instantly spit it back out. "I'm not letting you eat these!" I started laughing, and he joined in once he realized how bad it actually was. He took a bite of mine, looked at the camera and said "your mom has some competition".
I asked him why he looked at the camera, to which he replied, "cause your mom watches my videos!" and started laughing. I had no idea she did that! But it didn't surprise me.
Kian decided that he was definitely going to be using what we just filmed for his main channel video that Saturday. So, I was going to be in my first two videos, all in one day. I started getting mixed feelings about that.
I hope the fandom didn't think that I was going to be in everything they did now. And I definitely didn't want any hate because I was in both of Kian's videos.
I guess he sensed something was up, because he came over putting his arm around my shoulder asking what was wrong. I told him what was on my mind. He reassured me that he was sure they were going to love me, reminding me that they were asking for me to be in a video.
"Sometimes, they have strong opinions. I've learned to ignore them. I'm doing what I love, and that's what I care about. And no matter how they react, I'll be right here, and I'l have your back. If at any time it becomes to much for you, I won't have you in any more videos. It's completely up to you".
He gave me a gentle smile as I said thank you. He really did make me feel better.
I realized taking a shower was going to be the only way to get all of the flour out of my hair. We were all going to go out for dinner, and I didn't want to waste time driving back and forth to my place just to wash my hair. I grabbed a towel from the hallway cabinet, and started the shower.
I let Kian know that I would be out in a few minutes, and locked the door behind me. No, I did not trust any of them. I knew how they could get with pranks.
Showering had washed all my make up off, but I didn't really mind. I put my clothes back on, and dried off my hair. I threw it into a messy side braid before walking out of the bathroom. I bumped into Connor in the hallway "your welcome" he said as he made his way downstairs. I knew exactly what he meant.
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