Tuesday 12 July 2016



The Last of It

I'm pretty sure my parents were more excited about picking up Kian, Jc, and Ricky than me. They took us out for a nice early dinner before going home. I could tell the guys were enjoying themselves. My mom had a million and one questions about me moving out to LA, and what I would actually be doing. I didn't say a word, I was enjoying watching them squirm in their seats the more my mom asked.

It was Monday night, and we were leaving for the drive back to LA some time Thursday. Which gave me two days to get everything packed and ready for the move. Ricky offered to take my car in for maintenance the next morning so that we didn't have any issues. I didn't want a repeat of when the guys road tripped to LA, and I know they didn't either.

I decided to sleep in, because I knew I would be in a much better mood if I wasn't tired trying to run around packing everything. When I finally made my way downstairs, I found my dad, Kian, and Jc sitting at the dining room table talking like old friends. I said good morning as I walked to the kitchen to get some coffee before joining them.

It took almost the whole day, but I had almost my entire room packed. All that was left was the clothes in my closet. While we were eating dinner, we were deciding on how to spend the next day, since we hardly had anything left to do, and we weren't leaving until Thursday.

We had a beach and Disney, but then again so did California. The guys said they were fine just having a quiet day at the house, and told me to go spend a little bit of time out with my parents. My parents definitely liked the sound of that. We all hung out in the living room that night, watching a couple movies before bed.

I woke up in my room the next morning, and seeing as I was still in my clothes from yesterday, I realized I had been carried there. Everyone was already up when I got down to the kitchen. "Thank you to whoever carried me to bed last night". To which Kian replied "you're welcome sleepy beauty". Everyone else laughed at it, while I threw cereal at him.

My parents took me out for lunch, and then we took a trip to Target to get me some things for the apartment. I basically only had bedroom and bathroom things. So they got me some kitchen dishes and pot and pans. While we were there, Jc called me and asked if they could borrow my car. I told him that it was fine, and to try to not get too lost.

When we got home from shopping, the guys greeted us at the door. They had set up a really nice dinner for all of us. They made my favorite, a full Italian pasta dinner like my mom makes. It was a really nice last night home.

We woke up at a decent hour the next morning. While Ricky went to pick up the Uhaul, the rest of us started carrying my things downstairs. Once he was back, the boys shooed me and my mom away so they could do all the work. We decided to start putting my clothes and breakable things into the back of my SUV, leaving just enough room for the guys' luggage. Then we started to put together some snacks for the road.

I wasn't ready to say goodbye, but I knew this was the start of something good. My parents were both happy and excited for me. They reminded the guys to take really good care of me and to make sure I had at-least some breaks so I could come home to visit.

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