Thursday 7 July 2016


The Bride
Chapter 32

In courtship a man pursues a woman until she
catches him.
Francesca Marcolini’s POV
I stared outside the window without looking at the
scenery. My expensive handcuff glinted in the
sunlight. I still couldn’t believe what I saw when I
arrived in my office earlier this morning. A huge
bouquet of flowers with a big box with pink ribbons
my secretary told me that it was delivered earlier. I
opened the huge box and gasped a little when I saw
gorgeous cocktail dress inside.
I picked the card that was tucked in the beautifully
arrange flowers and read it:
Will you go to a dinner date to me tonight?
My silly heart galloped in my chest at the sight of the
unmistakable penmanship of Marco Orsini. As much
as I tried to extinguish the happiness in heart that
moment I can’t stop it. After our encounter to
Signore Alfonso Orsini’s birthday party after I gave
myself to him again, after he—he told me that he
loves me…I am so stunned that I couldn’t answer
You weren’t just stunned by the confession. You got
scared. A voiced inside my head joined my reverie.
You were scared because that he was the only man
who managed to creep in your heart since Lorenzo.
So what if I am scared, I answered back. I don’t think
I want to remarry. Marriage is not for me. I’ve done
that before I got only hurt at the end. When my late
husband proved that he didn’t love his young bride
as much as I loved him.
I get over with that tragedy of my past but it taught
me that never to enter marriage again with another
man when your heart is clouding your brain.
A woman can’t take risk twice in her life.
“…Signora?” A soft melodic voice of a sixteen-year-
old girl dragged me out of my reverie. “Are you all
right, ma’am?”
I tried to give my news student a reassuring smile.
“I’m fine, dear.”
“I called for your attention now for the third time,
teacher.” The girl informed me with a shy smile. “Is
everything all right?”
“Yes, dear.” I smiled in her direction, pushing away
the unwanted thought out of my head. For now I
will focus with my student. I am here in their
magnificent house in Rome teaching her the fine
etiquette of a woman fitted to be in the high society
of Italy.
“I’m already done with the test you gave me in
French, Signora.” The girl said with a smile in her
pretty face as she offered the paper I asked her to
answer awhile ago.
“Let me see.” I checked her paper while she looked at
me intently. She was a very bright child of a wealthy
Italian widower. At the very young age she lost her
mother. Her father showered her in everything life
has to offer. I first thought when I accepted the job I
will have a hard time with this rich girl but upon
meeting her she proved me wrong.
She’s kind and cheerful girl who loves animals.
“Very good,” I said once I finished checking her
paper. “You can translate French phrases now,
“Really?” The happiness in her face was contagious. I
couldn’t help but to smile back. “I will tell papa when
he got home, Signora.”
“I’m sure you’re father will be proud of you.”
She beamed at me. “I certainly hope so, Signora.”
My replied was interrupted by the incoming call from
my mobile phone. “Excuse me,” I told my student
while I looked at the screen of my phone. “Hello,
“Good thing you answered your mobile, darling.” I
shivered slightly when I heard his deep sexy voice
over the phone. “Your secretary told me you are not
at the office today. Where are you?”
I glanced over when my student browsing the
French book silently. I moved a little farther away
from your study table. “I am teaching the daughter
of Signore Grimaldi. Why?”
“I just want to asked you if receive the package I sent
at your office?”
My heart leaped again once I remembered his gift.
“Uh…yes, why?”
“I just want to inquire your answer, Francesca.” He
said over the phone. “Yes or no?”
I removed the mobile phone in my ear and stared at
this thing in horror. Is this Marco Orsini who just
called me? I might just mistake this guy to be him
unknowingly. He’s asking if I want a date with him or
Marco Orsini didn’t ask—he just commanded
everyone around him. He never asked for anything
“Are you asking me, Marco Orsini?” I asked playfully,
though deep inside me I already knew the answer
for his question. “What about your fiancée?”
I heard him sigh on the other line. I hide my grinned.
“Yes, Francesca.” He answered in clipped tone. “And
let me clear you this, Laila and I don’t have any
relationship other than friendship, maybe. I just
made that scheme to make you jealous.”
My heart dance with happiness at the admission of
him. He doesn’t really intend of marrying the Sicilian
goddess Laila Fiorenza, isn’t he? He just wants me to
get jealous.
“You sound so snappish, Marco.” I informed him
with a laughed. “You are asking me for a date, isn’t?
You should try to win my favor.”
“Is that a yes or no?”
I drew a deep breath. As much as I like to have this
banter with him I need to resume my teachings to
Isabella Grimaldi. “Yes, Marco. I like a date with you
“Yes.” He said a little too cheerfully. “I’ll picked you up
tonight in your penthouse. 7PM.”
“All right.” I agreed with a smile.
“Good. Where the dress I bought for you, okay?”
Marco Orsini had informed me arrogantly.
I laughed softly in case my student will hear me.
“Fine. I am hanging up now. I am in the middle of
my lesson with my student.”
“Wait, Francesca…”
“What?” I asked with a laugh.
“Ti amo.” He whispered seductively before ending
the phone call. I shook my head in resignation as I
went back to the table where my student patiently
waiting. He’s really something.
Later that evening my nerves are tingling with
excitement with my date to Marco. I checked myself
in the full length mirror for the tenth times now. I
couldn’t help but not to notice the unusual sparks in
my eyes as I stared in my reflection.
Oh my goodness, I am really nervous. Who will
have thought that my nemesis will have this kind of
effect with me? There wasn’t a time before that we
didn’t take the opportunity to pass without slinging
arrows at each other. We’ve seen the worst on each
My mobile phone sounded in my room. I smiled
when I saw the name on the screen. “Marco!”
“Excited, darling?”
“Silly.” I said picking up my pouch on the bed. “I’m
“Good, I’ll be waiting outside.” I ended the phone call
and literally run through the elevator. I couldn’t wait
to see him.
Once I am outside I am a little breathless with my
sprint to meet him. My breath was knocked at the
sight of his handsome face. He was waiting patiently
at the passenger’s door of the shiny black limo he
already took of his tie and opened the two top
bottoms of his crisp white shirt.
“Buonasera, Signora.” He said with a smile and
kissed my hand like a true gentleman. “You are so
beautiful tonight.”
“Thank you for the complement, Signore.” I replied,
fighting off the blush that wanted to escape in my
“After you.” He gestured for me to slide at the
opened passenger’s door of his limo. I slid eagerly at
the cool interior of the car.
“Where are we going, Marco?” I asked when we
were finally in the road. Butterflies in my stomach
were in residence tonight.
He smiled at my direction tenderly. “To a quite place
where we can dine tonight.”
I gave him a guarded look as I stared at his beautiful
dark eyes. “I hope you didn’t rent the whole place
this time.”
“I assure you I did not do that tonight, Francesca.”
Marco laughed wholeheartedly. “I want to show you
“It’s the truth, Francesca.” He gave me one of those
disarming grinned that made women swoon over
him always.
Few minutes of the drive we finally arrived at the one
of the highly recommend restaurants in Rome by
magazines and travel books. The maitre d’ ushered
us to the one of the best table inside the elegant
restaurant. I frowned once we walked inside. As
usual, women giving Marco wistful glance as if
hoping that they would get their attention.
But to this man’s credit he took no notice of them or
he’s just too used with such female adoration being
thrown in his direction wherever he went. He
continued to walk to our reserved table with his hand
holding mine tightly.
“What’s wrong?” He asked me once we arrived at
our table. “Don’t you like it here?”
“Uh? Oh, it’s not that…” I said when I slid at his
offered chair.
“You are frowning since we stepped inside the
restaurant, Francesca.”
“Don’t mind me.” I muttered taking the offered menu
by the waiter. I hope that he will just let of the
subject why I am frowning. I don’t want him to
know I don’t like other women looking at him. He
will just tease me about it.
He eyed me for a moment more before he focused
his eyes on the menu in his hands. He waited for me
to give my order before giving his. I ordered Pasta
with Pesto Cream sauce. I don’t think I can eat
anything tonight with my nervousness while he
ordered Pepper Steak Potato.
Once the waiter left out table. His eyes started to
study me. “How’s your day?”
I smiled sipping my waiter. “It’s fine. I have a new
“How is she?”
“She’s a very nice girl with a cheerful manner.”
He nodded with a smiled. “That’s good to hear. I
hope she will not give you hard time.”
“I can manage.” I said proudly to him.
We talked among other things like any other old
acquaintance while waiting for our food. A few
minutes later the food finally arrived. The waiter
placed our order in our table and the smell of pesto
cream did some rebellion in my stomach.
“Oh God,” I breath my nose wrinkled at the smell
and look of my food with green sauce. “What’s with
this awful smell? And the color—ugh.”
I could see the confusion in Marco’s face but I didn’t
wait for his reply before went straight to the ladies’
To be continued

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