Thursday 7 July 2016


The Bride
Chapter 30

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.
-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Marco Orsini’s POV
I played the part of being attentive fiancé to the
woman in my arms. Laila and I were now talking to
a group of businessman. I smiled smugly when I
remember the shock on my grandparents face when
I introduce Laila as my betrothed.
Nonna couldn’t believe what she’s seeing. I could see
in her eyes the disbelief as her devious plan trampled
before her very eyes.
Serves you right, a voiced inside me had whispered
that moment.
Everything runs smoothly until the cold-hearted
widow arrived. My eyes instantly narrowed that the
sight of Francesca. What the hell is she wearing? I
asked myself furiously.
I frowned thunderously in her direction. Haven’t we
talked about how she supposed to dress at parties
like this one? How come my lecture fell on deaf ears?
Dio, one of these days I will really invade her closet
and burn all this kind of immoral dress.
I am staring to suffer from unwanted headache
because of this aggravating woman. She wore a
bright yellow evening dress—the front was covered
from neck to the heels no cleavage this time thank
goodness but the back…I cursed long and hard, by
the only my thread of patience was keeping me from
slugging men at the party gape at her.
What’s with Francesca and her back? I asked silently.
Why did she have a habit of showing it to the public
so these b------s can drool over her? The backside
of her damnable gown was open back down to her
spine and she gave it this brooch like pin of the fabric
so male eyes will immediately notice the sparkling
thing just above her bottom.
I shook my head in disbelief. I swore this woman
will be the death of me.
“I could smell jealousy.” The woman in my arms
taunted once we were left alone near the fountain.
I glared at her darkly in a way my employees will
shirk with fear. “I don’t know what are talking about,
“Oh, really?” The Sicilian princess grinned in my
direction, completely ignoring my dark mood. “Then
it must be in the wine you are drinking. It has
nothing to do with woman who just arrived, isn’t?”
“You’re so astute for your own good, princess.” I
informed her sarcastically hoping to p---k her Sicilian
“Just like my Patri had said.” She replied with a
mischievous smile on her aristocratic face as she
eyed the progressing party. “Oh, look.” She
whispered softly. “Smile, your nonna is approaching
us with a beautiful woman in tow.”
I eyed the women who approached our direction. A
frowned form in my face when I saw that the
woman walking with my grandmother was no other
than Lucca’s wife—the Russian-American heiress,
Tatiana Rostova-Cavelli.
So she was my grandmother’s cohort then. I
wonder if Lucca knew anything about this
association his wife had with Nonna.
“Hello, Marco. Laila.” My grandmother said
pleasantly. “Are you enjoying the party?”
How about you Nonna? I asked silently eyeing my
grandmother. I could see smile lurking in her sharp
Nonna ignored my dark looks and continue to chat
amiably to Laila. “Dear, I don’t believe you have met
the new Duchessa di Caprielle, Tatiana Cavelli.” She
performed the introduction. “Your Excellency, this is
Signorina Laila Fiorenza, Marco’s fiancée.”
Hello,” The duchess greeted in her all-American
accent as she extended her hands toward my date.
“Nice to finally meet Marco’s fiancée.”
“Likewise, Your Excellency.” Laila smiled regally as
she took the offered hands of the duchess.
My eyes narrowed at these two women who just
invade us. I knew they were plotting something
from the look in their expressive eyes. I have to be
on my guard in case they decided to attack. These
women were known for being sneaky. They have a
talent of making men dance with their tune I intend
to escape that same fate those hapless men suffered.
But as I mulled over my strategy towards with two
cunning women my gazed snapped back at the
woman who was behind my entire dilemma. I
nearly leap at her side and slugged every man who
surrounded her and making her laugh.
An egregious transgression.
Do they have death wish? I will gladly deliver them to
their maker now.
I fished out my mobile phone and type something
before sending it. A few moments later. “Something
came up.” I told this group of women. “Nonna,
please keep company to Laila until I get back.”
Without waiting for Nonna’s reply and went to the
entrance of the Orsini manor. All I need to do is wait
for her inside.
Francesca Marcolini’s POV
I gasped when my evening dress leave my body.
Here now I am again half-naked in front of him. This
is all where it’s started and I don’t think I like the
ending of it.
I swatted his hand when they started to travel in my
b----t. Really, this man is unbelievable. How could I
permit him like this with my body?
“Ouch…” He said, removing his hand off my boy,
glaring at me. “That hurt.”
“What are you doing?” I asked him coldly. I will
never ever let him make love to me again. I will tell
him that he can’t use my body whenever he feels the
“Can’t you see I’m setting the mood here?”
I swatted him again this time in his arms.
“Aw, that’s not funny, Francesca.” He said rubbing
his arm while frowning at me. “What is wrong with
you, woman?”
I glared at him frostily. Completely forgot that I stood
here half-naked. “You cannot just tumble in bed with
me whenever you want, Signore.”
“Ah, the signature coldness as you address me that I
love so much was back with vengeance.”
I threw him my darkest glare. “I am serious here,
Marco. Besides, you have a fiancée now. What will
she say about you if she learned about this? I have
done great length in order to find that woman for
you do not sabotage things.”
He smirked like a man he thought he could get
anything he wants from life. “If didn’t know better I
would assume you are jealous, Francesca.”
I snorted looking away from his intense eyes while
my heart rate accelerated. “I don’t know what are
you talking about, Marco.”
“I’m not yet engaged to her, darling.”
Deep inside my heart a flickered of hope spring out
of nowhere, I tried to squash it. “It doesn’t matter.
Do you gamble your inheritance to your grandfather
just to fill your hunger? What if Laila Fiorenza backs
out from your engagement? You will lose your
position as the CEO of the Orsini Industries.”
“What if I will not marry her?” He whispered softly in
my neck. I could feel his hot breath in my sensitive
skin. “What if I will marry you instead? Will you say
My heart practically stopped at his words. I drew
him back to stare at his eyes. There was no teasing
or cynicism in their depth just some emotions I
could not fathom.
“Stop playing games with me, Marco.” I told him
painfully. I don’t want to hope with his words I
couldn’t survive it when…
“I am not playing games with you.” He said in his
most solemn voice. He gave me an ardent kissed like
it was the only time he will be able to kissed me. He
scooped me in his arms like a five-year-old child. “I’ll
show you.”
“Marco!” I protested as he walked further inside the
dark room. Oh, what room is this? What if someone
might barge in unannounced and see us like this.
“Put me down!”
“Shh…” He said sympathetically. “Lower your voice,
my darling. Someone might hear you outside.”
He placed me at the lid of the piano, his eyes glittered
with desire. He started to give me fiery little kisses
from my mouth, neck to the volley of my b----t,
my stomach and he licked my navel! “I’ll show you
how much I want you, Francesca.”
“What—” My protest struck in my throat when he
removed my panty. Sweet lord, what now?
“Keep still, darling. Try not to make noise.” That’s the
only warning I got from him before he started to
devour the very heart of my femininity. Oh, sweet
mother of God, I will die from the sensation of his
mouth and tongue playing with my labia. I bite my
lips from preventing the sound coming from me.
“Marco…oh, Marco…please…please….” I muttered
incoherently. I don’t know if I want him to stop or
encourage him more. “Oh, god…”
Finally, after like an eternity of lapping me he
removed his mouth from my feminine part. I was
limped in the piano lid. He bodily removed me in the
lid and placed me the piano bench. He started to
remove his clothes.
“What are you doing?” I asked him weakly.
“I’m going to finish it.” He said as he discarded him
boxer brief. I mouth went dry as I see his manhood
rigid with hardness.
“Oh no, you are not.” I managed to say looking
away from his proud length. “We’ve been tempting
fate now. You are not using protection since.”
Marco groaned loudly. “I don’t have a condom with
me now, Francesca. Do you want me to crawl all
over the pharmacy right this moment? I promise to
withdraw before I reach the finish line, darling.”
“Are you sure?” I eyed him seriously.
“Yes…” He answered abruptly. He didn’t wait for my
reply before he shoved inside me. I moaned when I
felt his length deep inside me. He started to move
faster and harder. I gripped the edge of my seat as I
accepted his furious onslaught. Oh my God, I might
die with this feeling.
When I feel that he’s near my o----m hit me. I bite
my lips from groaning loudly…and then I feel the hot
liquid inside me.
Oh, not again! He promised me!
“Marco…!” I said disapprovingly as he remained
inside me. He was breathing hard while he slumped
at the top of me.
“I love you, Francesca.” My heart stopped beating in
my chest.
To be continued

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