Tuesday 5 July 2016


Chapter 15

One important key to success is
self-confidence. An important key
to self-confidence is preparation.
-Arthur Ashe
Marco Orsini’s POV
“Nonna wants to give this to you.” I
dropped the paper bag on the
mahogany table of the ice queen.
“Two things, Signore.” The pretty
young widow said and frowned at
the paper bag. “First, you can’t just
barge in my office unannounced
what if I am in the middle of an
important meeting with my other
client. Secondly, what’s inside the
“Your secretary told me you are
available.” I sat at the edge of her
table crowding her space. “I believe
she bought you dress for your date
on Friday.”
She shook her head. “I cannot
accept that. Besides, let me point it
out to you, Signore. It’s not a date.
It’s a tour in the city.”
I shrugged. “Whatever you say,
“Why are you so cold to me?” The
pretty widow asked. “You should
have helped me with your
grandmother yesterday.”
“Why should I?” I tilted an eyebrow
to her direction. I must admit I’m
still smarting to her disappearing
act last week. “She believed that a
young woman like you should have
a love life.”
She laughed wholeheartedly. Her
laughed were like soft music to my
ears. Genuine, unlike the laughed of
the other woman I’ve met. “That’s
quite funny, Marco.” She said
cheerfully. “Oh yeah, I almost
forgot. About your potential bride I
have new lists.”
“Not now,” I cut her off easily. “I’m
quite busy. I just drop by to give
Nonna’s gift to you. I only played
the part of the delivery boy.”
“You sound like bitter, Marco.”
I laughed at her and started to
move closer when I came face to
face to her. I smiled privately when
she shrinks back to her leather
chair. Good, let her became aware
with my presence. “Why would I be
bitter, love?”
She blushed furiously. Funny,
sometimes she looks like a
teenager not the formidable
woman she built for herself. “You
are thinking ahead of yourself,
Signore. I will just play the tour
guide to this Matteo.”
“That’s good to hear, then.” I
moved even closer to her until our
lips were only inch apart. “Because
one wrong move from that
b-----d…” I touched her silky hair.
“If he touch even a single strand of
hair from your pretty head I will
make sure he will never see the
sunrise again.”
“Fair warning, won’t you say?” I
gave her a peck on the lips as I
stood and walked towards the
door. “Goodbye for now, Francesca
I winked at the dumbstruck
woman looking at me before I
walked out of her office.
Alfonso Orsini’s POV
“What is this that I heard that you
paired Francesca to the young
Matteo Constanzo.” I asked my wife
as soon as I reached the library.
“Good afternoon too, my dear.”
Claudia greeted calmly, her eyes
were still fixed on the fashion
magazine she’d been reading.
“How’s your meeting?”
“Answer me, Claudia.” I moved
towards her and glared at her
direction. “I thought you like the
young lady to be Marco’s wife?
What’s with this ridiculous notion
you have?”

To be continued

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