Tuesday, 5 July 2016



Relationships are negotiated and if you deal with ultimatums and authority all the time, then you’re not going to get anywhere.
-Phil McGraw
Marco Orsini’s POV
“You want me to find what!” I nearly leaped out of my chair as I asked my grandfather again in case I just misheard him.
“A bride.” MyNonno, Alfonso Orsini, repeated calmly. “I want you to find yourself a bride before my birthday. Your birthday present to me.”
I snorted, laughing at the idea about finding myself a bride. “What makes you think I need a bride,nonno? I’m still young to think about settling down.”
“You’re already thirty-one,figlio.” Grandfather pointed out flatly. “I married yournonnawhen I’m in my late twenties. I should say it’s past time for you to settle down, Marco.”
Right now, I am debating if my impromptu decision had been correct in deciding to visit my grandparents in their vineyard just outside Rome. Maybe I should have just stayed in the city instead of visiting their fortress.
Now I am stuck here inside my grandfather’s study room–or throne room as I privately called it, babbling things I am not interested to hear with.
“I’m not interested in marriage.” I told my grandfather arrogantly. “Marriage is not for me.”
“How do you know?”
“I just do.”
My grandfather just laughed heartily, fishing out an expensive cigar from the inside pocket of his suit. He savored the smell of it. “I won’t be arrogant if I were you, my boy. Look at your good friend–the duke, he also once sworn he will never walked down the aisle of matrimony. Now look at him he’s already happily married to his duchess and expecting their first child. The dowager duchess couldn’t shake off the smug on her aristocratic face about the news that she will be a grandmother at last.”
I knew that we will come to this conclusion once this conversation started. Of course, mynonnoalready heard the news about the pregnancy of Lucca’s new bride and as a proud Italian that he was Alfonso Orsini wants his dynasty to continue through the next generations. This enormous vineyard had been passed to the next male heir of the Orsini for centuries. Since I am my father’s only child, grandfather might fear that the Orsini dynasty will stop if I did not take a wife soon.
He probably thought that I’m on my dotage age already that few more years I couldn’t fathered even a single child.
“Aren’t you envious to your friend?” My grandfather prodded, dragging me out of my reverie. “That he finally settled down with a good woman?”
Grandfather held a private smile that made me frowned, as he placed his cigar between his teeth. “What a heartless answer.”
If he just knew the length Lucca had suffered because of his wife. He’d fallen like a hapless chap. Watching him suffered jealousy on many occasions because men paid attention to his beautiful bride. I couldn’t watch him surrender to the thing they called ‘love’. The great duke had fallen. I can’t let myself to be like that. Not in this lifetime.
Falling in love? Surrendering your heart to a woman?
What a laughed.
“Nonnawill skin you alive if she caught you with that cigar.” I warned him as he lit the cigar and puffed the smoke.
“I don’t think so.” My grandfather said smugly, as he continued to puff his cigar.....

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