Wednesday 6 July 2016


Chapter 20

No guest is so welcome in a
friend’s house that he will not
become a nuisance after three
Claudia Orsini’s POV
I am enjoying my coffee at the
gazebo at the side of the mansion
in my husband’s vineyard this
Saturday morning. What I pleasant
Saturday, I reflected silently. Marco
and Francesca were now missing
for a whole week. I am not alarm
for all I know they were together
this whole week busy making
babies for me and Alfonso.
“What’s with the scary grinned
for?” My husband asked as he
approached me. “That kind of smile
makes men frightened with
“Oh, don’t mind me.” I answered
thoughtfully. “I am just enjoying the
“And that’s more fearsome.”
Alfonso said placing a light kissed
at the top of my head before taking
a seat in the iron chair beside me.
“It’s been a week since Marco and
Francesca took a vacation.”
“They did?” He seemed bewilder at
the news. “How did you know
I sipped my coffee leisurely. “I just
did. But I am sure they will be back
any day now.”
The look my husband of almost fifty
years threw in my direction was
quite funny. Sometimes, I felt like
he’s scared about my cunning plan
for our dear grandchild. But a
woman needs to work if she wants
great-grandchildren to fret.
I am guessing that this impromptu
vacation they took had something
to do with the fact that Matteo
Constanzo was in town and my
dear grandson frightened at the
fact Matteo might charm his lady.
Today or maybe tomorrow they will
finally showed up here in Rome.
The poor man might thought that
young Matteo finally left for America
as of now. But I have some news to
Wait and see, my dear Marco. I
thought silently. Let see how far
you can react with jealousy. I am
brewing something you might
enjoy, boy.
“Oh, don’t turn around.” Alfonso
muttered softly, casually opening
the newspaper in the table. “Marco
and Francesca are approaching.”
I couldn’t help but to smile. Great,
everything works according to
“Good morning. Nonna. Nonno.”
Marco greeted as they arrived at
the gazebo my gazed shot at his
hand that clamp Francesca wrist.
“Hello, dear.” I said with a smile,
offering my cheeks for a kiss. “I
haven’t seen you for a whole week.
Busy with the empire?” I smiled at
my future granddaughter-in-law.
“Hello, Francesca. You do have a
healthy glow in your skin did you
take vacation again?”
The blushed from the young
woman’s face was enough answer
for me. They, indeed, took vacation
together. But I need to play the
innocent grandmother here.
“Have a sit.” I offered then I saw
that there is only one vacant chair
in the gazebo. “Oh, I will ask the
maid to get another chair for you,
“It’s okay, Nonna.” Marco surprised
me by answering. “We’ll fine by this
He sat in the iron chair and pulled
Francesca in his lap. My eyebrows
shot upward while the young
widow struggled to be free from
their position.
“Keep still, darling.” He muttered
devilishly in the woman in his lap.
“I’m sure my grandparents
wouldn’t mind it.”
Oh, my heart danced with soaring
pride. That’s my grandson there. I
never feel so proud of Marco until
this day.
“Don’t mind us, dear.” My Alfonso
reassured with a glowing pleasure
in his eyes. “If it will make you
better I will put Claudia to my lap
The poor young lady only blushed
furiously but settled in Marco’s lap.
She probably thought what a crazy
family we were. I looked pointedly
in her still flat stomach. I hope there
is now a growing life inside that
womb. Given by the reputation of
Marco in the bedroom by the Italian
tabloid I hope he’s doing his duty
to continue our dynasty.
I am a devoted catholic but I
wouldn’t mind a baby first before
the marriage. I am very modern
about that kind of setup. Looking at
her belly she appeared to have a
healthy womb to carry as much
children for Alfonso and me.
“Marco,” My husband said, standing
up from his chair. “I need to talk to
you about something.”
“Now?” Our grandson inquired a
little irritated. Clearly, he’s enjoying
his position with his wife-to-be on
his lap.
Alfonso nodded. “Si. But it will not
take long, mio figlio. Meet me at the
Before my husband left the gazebo
I threw him a warning glance.
Silently telling him not to sabotage
this thing or I will have his head on
the platter.
“I need to talk to nonno first.”
Marco reluctantly stood from his
chair. “It will not be long. Have chat
with nonna here, okay?”
Francesca nodded. I pretend to
look on the other direction as
Marco slowly dipped his head to
hers. I hide my smile. Who would
have thought that he had a sweet
side with other women beside to
I remained silently until Marco was
safely inside the mansion.
Francesca took the vacant chair and
stared at me.
“I want to apologize that I need to
cancel your plan with Matteo last
minute, Nonna.” The young widow
started. “That wasn’t my intention.”
I permitted myself to smile a little.
It’s not your fault. My grandson
took charge of the situation. I
mused silently. “That’s okay dear.”
“I hope I can ask an apology to
Signore Matteo before he left the
country.” She muttered softly. “But
circumstance occurs.”
“That’s all right, dear.” I hide my
smile while I sipped my coffee.
“Matteo hasn’t left yet. He extended
his vacation here. In fact…”
“Excuse me, madam.” The maid
interrupted me with the young
man behind her. “But you do have
a visitor.”
Oh, look if fate is smiling at you.
How can an old woman like me get
so lucky today?
“Matteo!” I beamed as I stood in
my chair. “How good of you to
Alfonso Orsini’s POV
“What do you wish to talk about?”
My impatient grandson asked
irritably as soon as he entered the
I sat back in my chair and studied
him silently. “I just want inquire
about your quest of finding
yourself a bride. Is Francesca your
It seems that Marco had forgotten
about our agreement already. He
was the type of person that will not
back out without a fight. I just
want to throw more fuel to the fire
my wife started.
He scowled and walk towards the
window overlooking the women at
the gazebo. “Why are you asking
me that?”
“Remember the agreement we
have?” I reminded him helpfully.
“My birthday was not far away,
“I haven’t forgotten…” Marco glared
darkly at the window. “Who the
devil is that?”
“Who?” I walked towards where he
was standing and stared outside. I
hide my smile when I saw the
charming young man with the
ladies outside. “Oh, that’s Matteo
My grandson threw me his darkest
look. “I thought he already left the
You’re too obvious, son. I thought
silently. That’s why your nonna had
you playing at the palm of her
hand. “Apparently, he decided to
extend his vacation.”
“That cretin!” He nearly jumped at
the window and beat the hell out
of Matteo when the young man
kissed Francesca’s hand. “I will
teach him a lesson.”
“Where do you think you’re
going?” I asked when he launched
on the door. “If I didn’t know
better I will assure you are jealous,
That had stopped him from his
track. He snorted. “That’s
Yeah, right. That’s when I decided
to play double agent. I will let Marco
know that I am on his side same
with my wife. Either way, I will have
the result I want. “Then, come here
and let’s see what’s happening
With great reluctance my grandson
forced himself to look outside as
the young man charmed his
It’s hilarious to watch my grandson
look like he ate pile of rusty nails as
the young American-Italian
charmed the woman he likes. His
arms folded in his middle and his
stance were like an army general
preparing for a war.
You are totally fallen from your
Nonna’s trap, boy. I said silently
glancing at him while he’s busy
giving dark glares to the gazebo
Marco Orsini’s POV
I am sitting silently in my office in
my penthouse waiting for a very
important phone call. I scowled.
What took him so long to call? I
asked myself irately. He promised
me to look for the information I
Finally after an eternity my desk
phone rang. “Tomorrow 8a.m.
Francesca and Matteo will have
sightseeing around the city.”
I smiled mirthlessly. “Thank you for
the information, Nonno.”
I placed back the receiver and
rubbed my jaw. Let’s see what I can
do tomorrow.

To be continued

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