Tuesday, 5 July 2016


Chapter 2

The highest exercise of charity is charity towards the uncharitable.
-J. S. Buckminster
Francesca Marcolini’s POV
I stood proudly at the ballroom in one of the famous five-star hotel here in Rome as I watched the people mingle around. They were all came from the cream of Italian society supporting the charity event for the orphan children here in Italy.
It was a success, I thought smugly. I couldn’t help but to feel proud that I am one of the organizers of the event. My late husband was a strong supporter of charities and since we began dating I get involved to such affair.
Now six years after his tragic death I dedicated myself to different charities here in Italy to continue his legacy. I hope tonight’s event would be successful I hope we’ll acquire enough money for the orphans in the asylum…
“Congratulations, Francesca.” An-all-too-familiar male voice drawled behind me, so much for my luck tonight. I should have known that he’s coming to this event. “I’m proud of you.”
So what choice do I have than to face him? I placed a regal smile on my face as I looked at my nemesis. “Buonasera, Signore.”
Satisfaction flashed on the depth of his dark eyes, as if he knew that he was the last person I wanted to talk with tonight. But then again, he will never let the opportunity pass not ruining my night. I knew it based from experience in the past.
“How are you,mia regina di ghiaccio?” He asked, running his bold gazed appreciatively on my body. I silently screamed at his audacious stare and his gut for calling me his ice queen. “You look…fabulous.”
I could swore that he was mentally undressing me right this moment, then I happened to notice the venomous glare the blond woman in his arms shot at me. I think she’s a supermodel with that red show-stopping gown and those chandelier earrings and necklace studded with diamonds it was enough to blind me when they were caught in the lights.
I smiled kindly at her as I asked this womanizing devil the question that would put him on the hot seat. “Is she your bride-to-be?” I asked in saccharine sweetness. “How rude of you not to introduce us.”
The blond supermodel’s face broke into a million-dollar smile as she gazed adoringly to her date while the devil merely paled.
Serves you right, I thought silently as I hide my smile.
“Darling,” He said to his beautiful date. “I thought I saw your friends there awhile ago. Why don’t you join them for awhile?”
“I will join you later.” He said resolutely, which the woman in his arms reluctantly removed her hand on his arm and drift away where her friends located. Once she was out of sight Marco Orsini glared at me impertinently. “Now, Francesca, that was rude.”
“I, rude?” I scoffed.
“Yes. You are.” He answered conceitedly. “You gave her wrong ideas.”
“But I thought she’s your fiancée.” I told him innocently though I only said that to annoy him. “You arrived with her so I assume…”
“Why would I still send you flowers and gift at your office this past week asking for your help if I already found my bride-to-be thatnonnowould approve?”
Oh, yes. Those flowers and gifts he constantly sent to my office along with cards asking to help him with his dilemma. At first, my secretary thought that I have a suitor but then I explained to her that my nemesis was just annoying me.
I instinctively rubbed my wedding ring. I will never marry again. Lorenzo, my husband, would forever be in my heart.
“Have you heard that Lucca and Tatiana were already in town?” I asked to change the subject about marriage and my thoughts to my husband’s memory. I still saddened me every time I remember him.
A twitched smile fitted his sinful lips as I helped himself with two fluke of champagne on the passing waiter. “Really? Are they staying for good now?”
“That’s what Tatiana told me when I talked to her over the phone last time.” I replied casually, taking his offered champagne.
“If they were already in town then why the hell they weren’t here?” He asked, looking around the glittering crowd. “I assumed that the great duke wouldn’t let the opportunity passed in showing the society that his wife was already five months pregnant with their twins.”
Taking a sipped of my champagne, I told him. “He just phoned awhile ago telling me they couldn’t come because Tatiana is not feeling well.”
“Ah, that’s the problem, isn’t?” He inquired mockery flashed on his dark eyes. “He’s totally fallen to his lovely wife? He couldn’t bear to be away from her even one night.”
“That scornful comment just really came from a man who’s currently looking for his own bride.”
“There’s a difference, cara mia.” He said with a rakish smile on his Roman god face. “He married his Tatiana out of love while I need to get married or I will be disinherited.”
I raised my eyebrows at him. “You are forgetting, Signore. That Lucca and Tatiana started their marriage as convenience look at them now they were so in love with each other.”
“No one force the duke to marry that Russian heiress…” He opposed, giving me the same tilt on his strong eyebrows. “…he did it all by himself. Lucca wedded the woman the whole world thought died on the sea a week after she’d gone missing…”
Every time I remembered how my friends started with marriage I still couldn’t believed. It was like story from a movie or drama series. The wallflower only wanted in life to avenge on the people who played her fool. But now I’m so glad that Tatiana finally let go of her revenge and starts a new life with her husband.
“…while I need a wife because my grandfather is forcing me to take one. So you have to help me.” Marco Orsini dragged me out of my reverie.
I sighed. So much for our talked about our common friends we were once again back to this thing. “I told you for a millionth time now. I can’t help you to find your bride, Signore.”
“Oh, you will.” He said stubbornly.
I shook my head in resignation. Answering him was only futile. He wasn’t going to listen to me.
Then he surprised me when he spoke again in nonchalantly tone. “Such a pity that Lucca couldn’t attend this charity ball I know he’s a strong supporter of this things.”
Now that he mentioned it I felt somehow poignant about it. He’s donation would be a great help to the tonight’s cause. “Yes, you’re right.” I agreed to this annoying man as I frowned at him. “But now that you mention it I’m surprise to see you here this is not your usual crowd.”
“You wounded me, Francesca.” He grinned devilishly. “I’m a strong supporter of charities, my dear.”
I couldn’t help but to smile to that. “Truthfully?”
“Of course.” He raised his glass for a silent salute to my direction before drinking every last content of his champagne. There was something mischievous in his dark eyes that my instinct told me to raise my guard even higher as the glee inside my heart for Marco Orsini’s donation instantly vanished.
“Of course…” He said again, placing his empty fluke of champagne on the passing waiter and get a new one awareness sneaked up to my spine. “…I will donate a generous amount if you will help me in return, Francesca.”
“What the…” I glared at him.
The devil merely shrugged. “A fair trade, wouldn’t you say?”
“Are you saying that…?”
“Obviously.” He smiled adoringly at my direction like Lucifer who wants to claim my soul. “If you promise to help me find a bride I will contribute a generous amount into this charity.”
Sweet Lord, he’s really heartless.
Marco Orsini’s POV
Coming here to the charity event was only last minute decision when I learned that the ice queen was coming. Looking at her now among the bejeweled crowd she was probably the only woman who was unadorned with jewerlies saved her gold wedding ring and equally her gold wristwatch. She look so untouchable like the ice queen that she was with her demure gown that any red-blooded man couldn’t help but to mentally peel that cover off her body as I do right this moment.
I watched with satisfaction the shock on the pretty young widow’s face as I told her that I will not donate a single centavo in this charity ball if she didn’t help me with my quest.
The look she’d been sending me was enough to freeze the entire Italy. Why she’s so stubborn in not helping man with his quandary? It is not enough that I’m courting her favor over the last few days sending her gifts on her office to soften her up to me?
Then she cold-heartedly asked awhile ago if my date was finally my bride-to-be I’ve been force to seek. She gave, Rebecca Kendrick, the hot supermodel the wrong ideas. From the amused look she’d gave me awhile ago she now thought that I’ll pop the question anytime after this party. I should have got rid of her tonight.
I don’t think my old-fashioned nonno would approve that my bride was seen half-naked on billboards and magazines across the globe.
That’s right. It’s up to this icy woman to find me a bride that my grandfather will approve. She’s a teacher of fine etiquette, hasn’t she? She can teach my bride how to act properly in the society. She’d done a pretty good job in polishing Lucca’s bride several months ago. The once wallflower heiress was now every inch of a refined duchess Lucca Cavelli could be proud of.
That’s why one way or the other I need Francesca Marcolini for the job even I have to blackmail her into submission, so be it!
To be continued

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