Tuesday 5 July 2016


Chapter 12

A widow’s refusal of a lover is
seldom so explicit as to exclude
-Samuel Richardson
Francesca Marcolini’s POV
“Put me down, you brute!”
I thud my fists on his back but he
just ignored me. His back was like
made of steel. “Put me down!”
“Stop it, woman.” He said coldly,
tightening his gripped to my legs.
“You are insane.” I told him while
still thumping my fist on his back.
“You should be put in manicomio.”
“Oh, you don’t know how insane I
am, darling.”
Darling? He had called me darling? I
know I should have felt annoyed by
the assumption yet my heart gave a
strange beat. I don’t think, I like
that feeling the kind that warms my
“Put me down!” I said it again,
when we finally reached the lobby
of the Rostov Hotels people inside
the opulent lobby gave us strange
look. “People we’re looking for
heaven’s sake! This is the worst
thing you could have done to me.”
“Worst?” He repeated dryly, his
gripped was like vice. “Trust me, la
mia regina di ghiaccio. This is not
the worst, but you will about to see
it soon.”
“Are you threatening me, Signore?”
I asked coldly.
“No. But I am telling you, darling.”
“Stop calling me that.” I am starting
to feel dizzy because of my
awkward position to his broad
shoulder. “I am not your
“Trust me, darling.” Marco Orsini
said annoyingly as he
unceremoniously put me back on
my feet. I slightly lost my balance
because of my killer heels. “You are
about to.”
Before he could reply I heard the
throaty roar of his Ferrari brought
by the valet at the entrance of the
hotel as if he planned the whole
“Get in.” He said casually, taking the
driver’s seat.
“No, thank you.” I told him with a
saccharine sweetness. “But I’d
rather to take a cab, Signore.”
“Get in, Francesca.” Marco Orsini
repeated his command firmly, his
eyes glittered with fire. “Or I will
personally deposit you here.”
So much for the humiliation I’ve
suffered tonight. I reluctantly
opened the passenger’s door of his
Ferrari and slid into the luxury
“Good choice, darling.” He
commented sarcastically as he
started to drive off the hotel.
“Don’t talk to me.” I answered him
coldly as I kept my eyes straight to
my window.
“Ah, there’s the ice queen I used to
I steeled myself not to close my
eyes as his Ferrari joined in the
highway it literary flew in the road.
The devil drive like there’s no
tomorrow. “You behave shameful
tonight. You embarrassed us in
public. I didn’t know that you
would stoop that low.”
“You don’t me that well, Francesca
mia.” The devil shift gear
vigorously. “I will do everything to
stop you from selling yourself in
those b------s.”
“I am not selling myself, d--n
you!” I puffed at him angrily. I
didn’t know that Marco Orsini was
this thick-headed. “It’s just a one
night no-string-attached-date, you
Marco snorted. “How did you
know that it was only an innocent
date night for those vermin? You
are more naïve than I thought.”
“Vermin?” I gaped at him in
astonishment. “Have you just called
those kind-hearted men who want
to help the charity as vermin?
“Yes. I have.” He answered proudly.
“They were lucky enough I didn’t
trash them within the inch other
“How noble you are, Signore.” I
remarked sardonically.
Marco just merely smirked. “Of
course,” He responded with equally
sardonic manner. “I am Orsini, after
He’s really the most aggravating
man I have ever known! Looking at
his sinfully handsome face a man
should not have blessed with such
looks. I couldn’t help but to noticed
the stares the women inside the
lobby of the Rostov Hotel threw at
him as we passed.
I haven’t seen him in a week for the
preparation for the charity event. I
even hardened my resolved not to
call him. I don’t like the feeling of
missing his company in the days
that I haven’t seen him it scares me.
He’s starting to crawl slowly on the
guard I erected to protect myself.
“Enjoying what you see?”
Too bad once he opened his mouth
you will realize how exasperating
he was.
“I’ m not starring at you!” I told him
vehemently avoiding his gazed as I
fought the pink stains that
threatened to spread through my
He chuckled, glancing at my
direction briefly. “I know that you
are. Are you already seduced by my
brooding looks?”
“You wish!”
“There is no law saying you
couldn’t stare, Francesca mia.” The
devil had drawled sarcastically. “For
you I will endure your ogle on my
looks as I will not permit any other
I shook my head in disbelief. “You
are unbelievable.” Then I
remembered our grand exit at
Tatiana’s charity event. “You should
apologize to Tatiana for ruining the
Marco grunted as he finally slow
down the speed of his ground
eating Ferrari. “I don’t think the
duchess will get mad at me given
the donation I just give to her
“You are despicable.” I informed
him with resigned sigh. Then I
notice that we finally stopped in
front of a high-rise building.
“Where are we?”
“My place.” He said casually,
unclasping his seatbelt and sliding
out the car. “Let’s go.” He
commanded rudely as he opened
my door.
“W-what?” I asked him in disbelief
when he grabbed my hand and
pulled me out of my seat. “I am not
going with you anywhere. I want
to go home.”
“No.” He contradicted firmly, as he
started to drag me inside the lobby
of the penthouse building. “We
need to talk.”
“Let me go, Signore.” I tried to
remove my wrist from his dead
He didn’t answer but merely
tightened his grip even more. We
rode the elevator and as usual he’s
the subject of female admiration
inside the lobby.
Jealous, Francesca? An evil voice
asked inside my head. I snorted,
why I would be jealous if women
stared at him all day. As far as I am
concern Marco Orsini is nothing to
Finally, we arrived at the top floors
where his penthouse was located. I
swallowed hard. This is the first
time I will see his home. Where he
probably brings women here
casually for nightly pleasure, I
groaned silently, really stop
thinking nonsense, Francesca.
He released me once where are
safely inside his home. “What do
you want—”
Before I could complete my
sentence he already advance in my
direction and his mouth on mine
kissing me. I groaned at the
pleasure when I know I should
have pushed him away but the man
could kiss! He placed both of his
hands between my face to change
the angle of the kiss. I could smell
his aftershave and his masculine
scent. My brain started to get
“Signore…” I shrieked when he
suddenly swung me on his arms
and walked towards the bedroom.
Wait, what’s going on here? Aren’t
things moving so fast here?
He threw me on the massive bed
unceremoniously. Really, this man
needs some lesson with manners.
“Signore…” I uttered again as I
tried to sit on the bed. “We need to
talk this is…”
“I thought you don’t want to talk,
Francesca mia?” Marco Orsini said
as he started to remove his tuxedo
jacket. My mouth went dry.
Uh-oh. “Signore.”
“It’s Marco, darling.” He said
seductively when he also craw in
the bed at the top of me. I shrunk
back to the bed. “Say it…”
“Marco…” I repeated breathlessly.
He’s too close for my comfort.
That’s when he started to kiss me
again more deepened than the last
he’d given me in the living room.
And then his hands started to travel
in my body.
Is this the right time to tell him
that… “Marco. I need to tell you
He stopped kissing me and
straightened his back but my legs
where still trap on between his. He
started to remove his crisp white
shirt. Oh my… “I will wipe every
man you took to bed since your
husband’s death from your
memory starting tonight.” He
declared harshly, like an ancient
Roman emperor eyeing his newly
acquired concubine. “Starting
tonight the only lover you will take
will be me.”
His broad chest was well defined as
well as the rest of his body. He
started kissing me again making
love to my mouth seducing me
slowly as his hands now finally
found the zipper of my gown and
began to unzip it slowly.
I forced myself to remove my
mouth from his. “Marco, I need to
tell you that—”
“Later.” Marco answered, removing
his trousers. Sweet Lord, his s---t
stood proudly inside his boxers.
“We have all night.”
All night…sounds more of a threat
than a promise.
“So beautiful.” He breathed when
his eyes fisted on my half-naked
state. I mentally scream at his
audacious stare. “More beautiful
than I imagine you naked here in
my bed for months.”
Suddenly, I wanted to laugh. But
this is not the time I need to tell
him something important here.
“Marco…” I nearly went out of my
skin when he touched my feminine
core. “Marco…”
I didn’t know what happened or
how it happened when I look again
into his magnificence eyes I was
completely naked in front of him.
“You are mine, Francesca. Mine.” He
announced as he removed his
boxers. My mouth went dry at his
proud length.
Madre del Dio.
He kissed me slowly this time,
sweeter as if this is the first time he
tried to kiss me with such
gentleness when I realized that
there’s a strange pain between my
legs. I couldn’t help but to moan.
“What the…” The look on his face
was comical. I would laugh if not
for the pain I’ve experiencing right
now. “H-how’s that possible you

To be continued

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